Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is a highly effective treatment used to address infected nerves within a tooth. In some cases, this infection may occur due to trauma or decay penetrating the nerve chamber. When faced with such a situation, RCT is considered the go-to solution to preserve the tooth and prevent further complications.

The process of Root Canal Therapy generally spans over 2 to 3 visits, each playing a crucial role in restoring the tooth's health. The treatment begins with the removal of debris from the canals and shaping them appropriately. This meticulous process ensures that all infected matter is eliminated, creating a clean environment.

To combat bacteria and halt the spread of infection, a medicament is placed within the tooth during the procedure. This medicament serves two primary purposes: killing bacteria and preventing the infection from recurring.

During the final visit, the root canals are sealed thoroughly to prevent any potential re-entry of bacteria. This step acts as a barrier, ensuring that the treated tooth remains free from further infection. A white, composite filling is carefully applied atop the sealed area to restore both functionality and aesthetics.

However, it's important to note that, in many cases, the structural integrity of the tooth may be compromised due to the infection. To reinforce and strengthen the tooth, a crown is often recommended. The crown provides essential support and prevents any future problems, allowing the tooth to regain its full functionality.

Root Canal Therapy not only eliminates infection and relieves pain but also plays a vital role in preserving the natural tooth. By undergoing this procedure, patients can expect a long-term solution that restores both the health and strength of their teeth.