……You’re not alone. It’s hard to ignore the sweet treats on offer at the counter while you’re waiting on your morning coffee. With the latest campaign launched by the Cancer Council Victoria, bringing awareness to the consumption of sugary drinks that contribute to weight gain - it’s a timely reminder to take stock of just how much sugar you could be consuming.
How to get kids to brush their Teeth!
When it comes to a bedtime routine, or getting out of the house on time in the morning, parents often feel like they are swimming against the current on a number of fronts - making school lunches, getting everyone bathed and dressed, and accommodating everyone’s food preferences. But more often than not the biggest concern we hear from parents, is how to get their kids to brush their teeth.
"Watch your Mouth" Dental Health Week 2018
Dental health week, which takes place August 6 - 12, is an annual oral health promotion event organised by the Australian Dental Association. The aim of dental health week is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health in every aspect of their lives and to encourage the following key habits:
Stay Motivated!
School holidays are upon us and it's all about the kids!
Latest findings report Poor Oral health - can affect your Overall health..
Why your child's check up should be a priority...
It is recommended that children visit the Dentist from around the age of 3, or earlier if you have any concerns about their teeth. Regular dental check up’s can help parents become familiar with their children’s dental and oral health milestones and are important in helping develop positive dental experiences for our younger patients.
Easter Holiday Period
Private Health Insurance - are you being treated fairly?
The Australian Dental Association recently shared a short video on Social media, highlighting the unfair way in which some Private Health care providers offer higher rebates to policyholders that have treatment at their own contracted Dentists and Clinics, whilst others with the same policy who choose to see their own Dentist - receive a lower rebate.