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Australian Dental Health Week is coming!

Dental Health Week, which takes place in the first full week of August, is the Australian Dental Association’s major annual oral health campaign. Its aim is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health. This year it is on 3-9 August 2020.

Now more than ever, with COVID-19 pandemic ongoing, all Australians are taking care of their health. Oral health is very much part of the overall health and wellbeing.

This year the Australian Dental Association (ADA) is sharing four key messages:
•    Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
•    Clean between your teeth daily using floss or interdental brushes.
•    Eat a healthy, balanced diet and limit sugar intake.
•    Visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and preventive care.

This year’s theme is “How Much Sugar is Hiding in Your Trolley?”. For more information about the Dental Health week go to

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How to get kids to brush their Teeth!

When it comes to a bedtime routine, or getting out of the house on time in the morning, parents often feel like they are swimming against the current on a number of fronts - making school lunches, getting everyone bathed and dressed, and accommodating everyone’s food preferences. But more often than not the biggest concern we hear from parents, is how to get their kids to brush their teeth.

When it comes to a bedtime routine, or getting out of the house on time in the morning, parents often feel like they are swimming against the current on a number of fronts - making school lunches, getting everyone bathed and dressed, and accommodating everyone’s food preferences. But more often than not, the biggest concern we hear from parents, is how to get their kids to brush their teeth.

So here are a few tips from our Dental team to help make teeth brushing a part of the routine that is enjoyed, not endured!


Work together with your children to establish a clear routine for brushing their teeth, and stick to it. Try to keep teeth brushing to the same time, every morning and night.



Brush your own teeth while your child is brushing theirs. Modelling is such an effective parenting strategy, so get down on their level and let them see how you brush all your teeth – top and bottom, front and back. Children still need help with their technique, so it's a great opportunity for you to help them with places they might be missing.



Demonstrate how to brush in circles like train wheels going around a track from left to right and right to left… Make it something they will love and look forward to.



Involving children in daily choices is essential to building ownership and increasing their participation in self-care tasks. Next time you are at the Supermarket, why not let them pick the flavour of the toothpaste, or the colour of the toothbrush.



Choosing a favourite song to play is a great idea to ensure you're dedicating the required two minutes to brushing, or see who can make the most bubbles with their brushing! 



Education is critical. Tailor it to their age and watch their habits change for life. Now is the time to instil great fundamental oral hygiene habits.


And last, but certainly not least - don't forget to start them early with regular visits to the Dentist. We promise to make a comfortable, fun and GOOD first impression! Give us a call Today, or simply book online: here


Happy flossing!

The Dental 4U Team

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