Latest findings report Poor Oral health - can affect your Overall health..
The benefits of keeping your gums and teeth healthy go far beyond a great looking smile.
According to findings published in the Journal of Periodontology, there is new evidence that the bacteria associated with gum disease could contribute to the development of cancerous stomach lesions.
The benefits of keeping your gums and teeth healthy go far beyond a great looking smile.
According to findings published in the Journal of Periodontology, there is new evidence that the bacteria associated with gum disease could contribute to the development of cancerous stomach lesions.
Periodontal disease – or gum disease as it is often better known, is one of the most common diseases affecting up to 50% of the Adult population world wide.
The latest findings were based on research out of New York University, where Scientists hypothesis that a group of bacteria that live in plaque beneath the gums, set up a pattern of chronic inflammation in the body which may contribute to the development of stomach cancer.
Another study recently completed in the USA(Dental college of Georgia, Augustus University) reiterates that many clinical studies link Chronic periodontal disease (CP) to various systemic disorders and lately age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a leading cause of irreversible vision loss in elderly.
Closer to home, the latest Oral health tracker report published in Australia(ADA + AHPC March 2018) show one in five adults in Australia are affected by gum disease and 50% of adults and 25% of children haven’t been to the Dentist for a check up for over a year.
The more unhealthy your mouth is, the more unhealthy your entire body will be.
Prevention is key: Brush twice daily for two minutes, floss daily, preferably at night - Ensure you visit your Dentist for regular check up’s and have your gums professionally cleaned at least once every six months.
To make a time for a check up and clean - give us a call, or book online Today!
Warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Why your child's check up should be a priority...
It is recommended that children visit the Dentist from around the age of 3, or earlier if you have any concerns about their teeth. Regular dental check up’s can help parents become familiar with their children’s dental and oral health milestones and are important in helping develop positive dental experiences for our younger patients.
It is recommended that children visit the Dentist from around the age of 3, or earlier if you have any concerns about their teeth. Regular dental check up’s can help parents become familiar with their children’s dental and oral health milestones and are important in helping develop positive dental experiences for our younger patients.
If your child has any habits such as thumb or finger sucking – it may be interfering in the healthy development of their teeth. During these visits parents also benefit from discussions regarding teething, normal tooth development, oral hygiene and nutritional advice.
Whilst many children like to be independent and brush their own teeth, most do not have the coordination or dexterity to brush their teeth properly. We recommend a collaborative approach where parents monitor their children’s hygiene habits on a daily basis, or until they are confident that good techniques are being used.
Dental Caries(commonly known as tooth decay) is the single most common childhood disease. At Dental4U, we wish to educate our patients to help prevent dental caries through better oral hygiene habits. When children have regular dental check ups, we can pick up on any tooth decay or issues at their early stages.
The Golden rule is to brush twice a day and floss once, especially before bed.
We understand that little ones can find it hard to clean their teeth properly, so we can give you tips and recommendations to help make brushing and flossing a breeze.
Don’t delay, call or email us Today to book your child’s next dental visit! Online bookings available for your convenience. Click: here
Warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Easter Holiday Period
Please click "read more" for our availability during the Easter holiday period.
We would like to wish all our valued patients a very safe and happy Easter break!
Our Yarraville and Geelong West practice’s will be closed from Good Friday, March 30th and will reopen on Tuesday 3rd April.
During this period, our emails and phone messages will be intermittently monitored and actioned. If you wish to make an appointment, please call 03) 5222 5622 for Geelong West, or 03) 9687 7786 for Yarraville and leave a voice message with your contact information, outlining the details of the appointment. Alternatively, you can send us an email to You may also make an appointment booking online at your convenience - click here.
In case of an emergency, you can seek dental services at the Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital, 720 Swanston St, Carlton VIC 3053. Their contact number is 03) 9341 1000.
We look forward to seeing you after the long weekend!
With warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Private Health Insurance - are you being treated fairly?
The Australian Dental Association recently shared a short video on Social media, highlighting the unfair way in which some Private Health care providers offer higher rebates to policyholders that have treatment at their own contracted Dentists and Clinics, whilst others with the same policy who choose to see their own Dentist - receive a lower rebate.
The Australian Dental Association recently shared a short video on Social media, highlighting the unfair way in which some Private Health care providers offer higher rebates to policyholders that have treatment at their own contracted Dentists and Clinics, whilst others with the same policy who choose to see their own Dentist - receive a lower rebate.
If you have the Same Policy and receive the Same Treatment, you should receive the Same Rebate.
Don't be persuaded to switch by the fact that some insurers refer to contracted Dentists as "preferred providers". This doesn't mean that they are any more or less skilled than your current Dentist.
If you feel you are unfairly pressured to switch away from your Dentist, you should first send a letter of complaint to your insurer, making it clear that you don't believe it's fair that you receive lower benefits because you want to stay with your existing Dentist. Secondly, find a fund with no contracted Dentists and switch your policy.
To view the ADA video, click the link below:
Go to to compare your extras policy with others on the market, or visit for a broader comparison of private health insurance available.
Warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Smarter Snacking!
Our everyday choices over time, lead to life long habits. So when it comes to food, try and choose a healthier option on a daily basis, to benefit yourself and your loved ones – long term.
Our everyday choices over time, lead to life long habits. So when it comes to food, try and choose a healthier option on a daily basis, to benefit yourself and your loved ones – long term.
Food = Fuel/Energy for your body
According to the World Health Organisation(WHO) guidelines(2015), “There is evidence showing a higher rate of dental caries(tooth decay) when the intake of “free sugars" is above 10% of the total energy intake, compared to an intake of “free sugars” below 10% of the total energy intake".
So, what exactly are ‘free sugars”?
As defined in the WHO report, “free sugars” refer to sugars added to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, cook or consumer and includes sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates
The WHO guideline does not refer to “intrinsic sugars”, which are found naturally in whole fresh fruits and vegetables.
In short, its best to keep it Simple! Real whole foods - as Mother Nature intended.
- Sticky, sweet foods, e.g dried fruits
- Highly processed sugary snacks, e.g chocolate bars
- Flavoured fruit drinks
- Fizzy drinks
- Iced Tea
- Flavoured Milk
- Flavoured Water
- Water! - No surprises here, Water is always the best option!
- Veggie Sticks with Hummus (e.g Carrots, Zucchini and Capsicums – the orange and yellow ones are naturally sweet like apples).
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Baby cucumbers
- Grapes
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Nuts
- Apples (with 100% nut butter as a yummy treat)
- Popcorn
- Plain Greek Yogurt
- Cheese
- Boiled Eggs
There are a lot of hidden sugars in every day foods we eat, remember to always read the label and look out for sugars disguised under another ingredient name.
See the list below for different names for sugar that you might come across:
- Barley Malt
- Beet Sugar
- Blackstrap Molasses
- Cane Juice
- Caramel
- Corn Sweetener
- Corn Syrup
- Dextran
- Diastatic Malt
- Ethyl Maltol
- Evaporated Cane Juice
- Fructose
- Fruit Juice Concentrate
- Galactose
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Lactose
- Malt Syrup
- Maltodextrin
- Oat Syrup
- Sorghum
- Sucrose
- Syrup
- Treacle
- Tapioca Syrup
We hope this has given you some food for thought!
Warm regards,
The Dental4U Team
Season's Greetings from Dental4U
We would like to wish all our patients a very relaxing and enjoyable festive season!
Please "read more" for details of our availability during the holiday period.
We would like to wish all our patients a very relaxing and enjoyable festive season!
Our Yarraville and Geelong West practice’s will be closed on all public holidays and from Thursday 28th December, reopening on Monday 15th January.
During this period, our emails and phone messages will be intermittently monitored and actioned. If you wish to make an appointment, please call 03) 5222 5622 for Geelong West, or 03) 9687 7786 for Yarraville and leave a voice message with your contact information, outlining the details of the appointment. Alternatively, you can send us an email to You may also make an appointment booking online at your convenience - click here.
In case of an emergency, you can seek dental services at the Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital, 720 Swanston St, Carlton VIC 3053. Their contact number is 03) 9341 1000.
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Stay safe and take care!
The Dental 4U Team
Thinking about getting Dental Health insurance?...then this is a must read!
To help you navigate the private health fund market, we have put together 5 important things to consider before signing up for dental extra's cover:
To help you navigate the private health fund market, we have put together 5 important things to consider before signing up for dental extra's cover:
Research and compare health funds online, or call funds directly to ask for information on their policies. Remember extra’s cover is not limited to just Dental – will you be using your extra’s cover for other treatments? massage, chiropractor e.t.c. You do need to consider your overall policy’s needs before signing up. Also when comparing funds online – the website you are using may only be drawing policies to compare from a limited pool of health funds(often sponsored). We recommend researching potential funds individual websites as well. If you have an existing policy, the Australia Dental Association(ADA) has a helpful website that lets you compare dental health fund policies. For more information, click the link below:
PREMIUMS vs REBATE. You’ve had a look around for dental extra’s cover and found a fund that will save you $120.00 a month for your premiums – great news!......or is it?
What you really need to consider is what your rebate will be for specific treatments and procedures that you want. Your premium cost may be lower, but your rebate could be lower too. You are able to check this with any prospective insurer prior to taking out a policy.
Remember every policy has pre-existing illness clauses and exclusions that determine when and if you can make a claim. Some health funds have a waiting period for certain treatments, meaning you aren’t able to start claiming immediately. If you are transferring your existing cover from one fund to another, you can ask that they waive the waiting periods for certain treatments, this is something that needs to be discussed prior to signing up.
There is a difference, check up’s and cleans are covered under General dental and treatments such as crowns and root canal therapy, are covered under Major dental.
If the information is not readily available on the health funds website, another way to find out what is covered and what your potential rebate might be – is to simply ask for the information. Each health fund is required to have a Standard Information Statement(SIS), which will provide you with details such as benefit limits, services covered e.t.c. Most dental practices will be happy to provide you with the specific item codes for any proposed treatment, so that you can query directly with your current or prospective health fund.
Does your health fund let you choose your own Dentist, without restrictions? Some Insurers are referring to contracted Dentists as “preferred providers”. It doesn’t mean they are more or less skilled than your current Dentist, it just means that the particular Dentist has a contract with their health fund, or they are employed by that funds own dental clinic.
Which poses the question: How much influence does that health fund have over your dental treatment? If the health fund governing that Dentist has a vested financial interest in their work output, are they really putting your needs as a patient first?
With the introduction of “preferred providers” you could find yourself paying the same premiums as other members, but not getting the same benefits back. You should not be penalised for wanting to remain with your own Dentist, whom in many cases you have built up a long-term relationship, rapport and trust with. Look for a fund that will let you choose who provides you with your oral health care.
We hope the above information will help you make a more informed decision when looking for a health fund that suits your needs and budget.
The Dental 4U Team
Don't like visiting the Dentist?....You're not alone.
For many people the mere mention of a visit to the Dentist causes the palms to sweat and a flurry of possible excuses to flood our brain of other more important things we need to do – sound familiar? This reaction could be from a past bad experience, perhaps from childhood, fear of the unknown or you simply don’t think you can afford it.
For many people the mere mention of a visit to the Dentist causes the palms to sweat and a flurry of possible excuses to flood our brain of other more important things we need to do – sound familiar? This reaction could be from a past bad experience, perhaps from childhood, fear of the unknown or you simply don’t think you can afford it.
At Dental4U we understand that a visit to the Dentist is not high on people’s priority lists, but here are 3 reasons why you should reconsider:
1. Dentistry has come a long way..
With considerable advancements through technology, knowledge and techniques, a visit to the Dentist is now a much more pleasant experience. At Dental4U we do our very best to put you at ease and make your visit as comfortable as possible, from the moment you walk in the door. We’re here to take the fear out of Dentistry with our gentle and caring approach. We want to help you achieve a greater satisfaction with your health and appearance, without breaking the bank.
2. It could save you money in the long run..
It’s important to attend the Dentist for your dental check up’s and professional cleans. We can detect, monitor and intervene on tooth decay at their early stages, saving you money in the process and helping stop issues progressing to a point where you don’t have a lot of options for treatment. Regular dental check up’s are an investment in your long-term general health.
3. You would be setting a good example..
Good habits really do begin at home and children should be taught from an early age that regular visits to the Dentist are normal and nothing to be feared at all. Children are particularly susceptible to tooth decay, often they want to be independent and take care of their own teeth brushing, but may not be doing the best job. We can identify areas that need improvement and encourage a more collaborative approach. If you don’t have children, you could instead encourage your partner or other loved ones, by ensuring you schedule yourself in for regular check up’s.
To make your next appointment, give us a call or book online - It's that easy!
The Dental4U Team
A smile is your best Accessory!
As the weather starts warming up and we head towards the festive season (and a busier social calendar!), now is the perfect time to get your teeth looking and feeling their very best. The benefits of a beautiful, clean, bright smile are endless. Research shows that improving appearance increases self-esteem and positively affects a person’s well-being.
As the weather starts warming up and we head towards the festive season (and a busier social calendar!), now is the perfect time to get your teeth looking and feeling their very best. The benefits of a beautiful, clean, bright smile are endless. Research shows that improving appearance increases self-esteem and positively affects a person’s well-being.
A person’s smile is one of the first things we notice, so make sure you are making a GREAT first impression.
Book in Today for a clean and polish OR if you’re looking to brighten your teeth further, give us a call to discuss our easy and affordable whitening options.
Did you know that you can book online? It's so easy!
We understand how busy your schedule may be and that you may not be able to call us during business hours. It is sometimes so much easier to just click a few buttons and book your dental appointment online.
This is why, for your convenience, we offer you our online appointment booking system, which directly connects you to our schedule, instantaneously confirming your booking.
You may choose from a range of appointment times and days, however, if you can’t find the date/ time that suits you, please call or email us and we will surely make something work. We can also put your request on our appointment standby list, in case of changes to our schedule.
Don't delay BOOK Today!
With warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Back to Basics, Part 2: Flossing!
When it comes to your teeth, brushing is only part of a complete dental care routine - Flossing is absolute key! Flossing your teeth removes food debris and helps prevent plaque from building up in areas between your teeth and around the gum line, where toothbrush bristles just can't reach.
When it comes to your teeth, brushing is only part of a complete dental care routine - Flossing is absolute key! Flossing your teeth removes food debris and helps prevent plaque from building up in areas between your teeth and around the gum line, where toothbrush bristles just can't reach.
How many times should I floss?
Ideally you should be flossing once a day, every day. If you find that time is your biggest barrier to flossing, instead of flossing in the morning when most of us are at our busiest - try flossing at night before you go to bed. This way you're more likely to take your time and do a better job.
Is it better to floss before or after brushing?
The sequence really makes no difference, as long as you do a thorough job. As long as you are making the effort to floss, it's entirely up to you.
Finding the right technique or tool that suits you:
If you struggle with conventional flossing, there are now many different products available to help you, such as: Interdental brushes, Piksters, Airflosser's, Water flosser's e.t.c.
If in doubt, we can help point you in the right direction on an alternative to suit your needs and budget - Give us a call Today, or we can discuss at your next dental check up.
Conventional flossing in 3 steps:
Pull about 30cm of dental floss from the dispenser
Wrap the ends of the floss around your index and middle fingers, allowing a short amount of floss between your fingers
With the help of your thumbs, hold the floss tightly and using your tooth as a guide, move it back and forth in a push-pull motion, curving the floss around each tooth in a "C" shape up towards and along the gum line of each tooth
You can use a new section of the floss for each tooth and be careful not to apply too much pressure, or use excessive force to "snap" the floss against your gums.
Brushing and flossing combined are an important part of your daily oral healthcare routine. It can take a bit of time to begin with to perfect your flossing technique - but practice makes perfect!
Don't forget to visit us for your regular check up's and professional cleans. Online bookings available! click here
Happy Flossing! From The Dental4U Team