Charcoal-based toothpastes to clean and/or whiten the teeth.
The Australian Dental Association recommends against the use of charcoal-powder or charcoal-based toothpastes to clean and/or whiten the teeth.
These products can be abrasive and damaging to the teeth and gums and many do not contain fluoride, a key ingredient in protecting and strengthening the teeth. These products use consumer-attractive terms such as herbal, eco-friendly, natural, organic and pure— however the health benefits of charcoal-based products remain unproven.
If you have any questions about teeth whitening please ask one of our friendly dentists.
The snow white smile, at what cost?
A growing number of whitening products are being retailed as ‘safe’ and ‘natural’. But who is regulating the influx of these products flooding the Australian cosmetic market? Are they actually safe?
What you need to know
Three new studies have found that products containing hydrogen peroxide as an active ingredient in over the counter whitening products can ‘damage the protein-rich dentin tissue found beneath the tooth’s protective enamel’. Without a professional dental assessment this can cause irreversible damage to the tooth structures.
Some overseas and Australian websites and online sellers are also selling products that do not comply with Australian standards and exceed legal limits of concentration. Young consumers are particularly at risk in this market as they are the least aware of the possible permanent risks.
The ADA have documented its concerns about manufacturers using confusing and misleading statements in a submission to the ACCC.
If you need any advice about whitening procedures and recommended products please see one of dentists.
Tooth Erosion, what is it and how can you help prevent it?
Tooth erosion, or ‘Acid erosion” is the loss of tooth enamel caused by “acid attack”. Tooth enamel is the outer hard layer protecting your teeth, but it is prone to wear and tear. A consequence of the loss of this protective layer, is the underlying “dentine” can be come exposed and cause sensitivity.
Tooth erosion, or “Acid erosion” is the loss of tooth enamel caused by “acid attack”. Tooth enamel is the outer hard layer protecting your teeth, but it is prone to wear and tear. A consequence of the loss of this protective layer, is the underlying “dentine” can be come exposed and cause sensitivity.
The most common cause of this is by exposure to food and drink acids, such as those in wine, fruit juice, fizzy drinks and sugary foods.
Unfortunately once this tooth enamel is lost, your body can’t restore it, which is why it is vitally important to take good care of your teeth.
You can take the following simple steps to help avoid and prevent tooth erosion:
Make water your go-to drink
Water is always the best and obvious choice. If you do have a fizzy or fruit juice, then use a reusable straw. This will help keep the acidic fluid away from your teeth, so make sure you don’t swill the liquid around, or hold it in your mouth before swallowing.
Take a break
If you’ve been to a celebration where you’ve been consuming alcohol, carbonated drinks and nibbles, chances are your teeth may have been under an “acid attack” over a number of hours, which softens the enamel on your teeth. Try not to brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking anything acidic – wait as least 30 mins, and it’s important to always use a soft bristled toothbrush.
Remember when brushing your teeth to avoid aggressively brushing them in an attempt to clean them “properly”. Allowing 2 minutes and using a proper technique, will enable you to clean your teeth and mouth thoroughly, both morning and night. And just as important, don’t forget to floss!
Watch what you eat
Of course sugary foods, junk food and carbonated drinks are unhealthy and contribute to acid erosion, but other food and drink such as sports drinks, orange juice, grape juice, grapefruits, limes, pineapples and oranges are also highly acidic.
If you are at a function drinking alcohol or fruit juices, try alternating with a glass of water to help neutralise the acid. Your teeth and your head will thank you for it.
Avoid snacking throughout the day - If you are going to have something sweet or acidic, have it as part of a meal rather than on its own.
After eating, try chewing a piece of ‘sugar free’ gum, this will help stimulate saliva and also help neutralise the acid.
Schedule your regular visits to the Dentist
When you have your regular recommended 6mthly check up and clean appointments, we can identify and monitor any issues you may have, often at their early stages (such as tooth brush abrasion), helping to address the causes and offer advice on oral hygiene techniques, dietary habits and products you can use to help protect your teeth.
Give us a call Today, or book online to schedule your next visit!
Happy Flossing,
The Dental 4U Team
Sweet tooth?......
……You’re not alone. It’s hard to ignore the sweet treats on offer at the counter while you’re waiting on your morning coffee. With the latest campaign launched by the Cancer Council Victoria, bringing awareness to the consumption of sugary drinks that contribute to weight gain - it’s a timely reminder to take stock of just how much sugar you could be consuming.
You’re not alone...
It’s hard to ignore the sweet treats on offer at the counter while you’re waiting on your morning coffee. With the latest campaign launched by the Cancer Council Victoria, bringing awareness to the consumption of sugary drinks that contribute to weight gain - it’s a timely reminder to take stock of just how much sugar you could be consuming.
The campaign highlights the fact that consuming excess calories contributes to excess weight, which in turn can increase the toxic or visceral fat around your organs, triggering certain types of Cancer.
Read on for our tips to help you reduce how much sugar, or excess calories you consume in a day:
Don’t reach for a sugary drink
This doesn’t apply to just fizzy drinks, but fruit juices and milk-based drinks, which are often high in sugar. Don’t use the excuse of eating on the run to, “grab a drink” and go. You’re likely to be consuming high amounts of sugar, with low nutritional value.
A healthy diet is one of the key ingredients to your personal health and wellbeing. If you have the choice, choose Water - ALWAYS!
Carry a refillable water bottle with you; it’s a good idea to keep a couple of bottles chilled in the fridge at home, or at work.
Are you really hungry?
If you’ve ever heard, or used the term “Emotional eater” then you could relate to the fact that many of us when we are feeling, bored/stressed/tired, have a tendency to reach for something sweet.
Take note of how you are feeling, did you get enough sleep the night before? Are you worried about something? When you become aware of certain patterns, you can address the core issue and in doing so, make positive changes.
TRY Going to bed earlier, writing your feelings/thoughts in a journal, spending quality time with friends and family and making regular exercise part of your daily routine – These are simple things you can do which could help with your emotional wellbeing.
Be accountable
Many of us lose track of how much energy(food) we are actually consuming in a day. It’s easy to snack absentmindedly without putting any real thought in to what we’re eating and drinking.
Keep a note/diary of what you’re eating and when. You’d be surprised at how you will tend to eat less, when you’re consciously keeping tabs.
Always read the label before making your food choices, reduce your consumption of fast food and purchased foods, which tend to be highly processed with a lot of added sugars and fats. Be particularly aware of the high sugar content of many sauces and condiments.
3pm slump?
Do you find yourself fading in the afternoon? Instead of reaching for another coffee, energy drink, or sweet treat, try the following first:
Stand up and STRETCH, go for a short walk for some fresh air, even if it’s a quick walk for a toilet break.
Take micro pauses during your day and try some breathing exercises. If you can, close your eyes, breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth, repeat. Relax your shoulders.
Often when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty or, already dehydrated. So refill your water bottle and have a big drink of refreshing water.
BRUSH YOUR TEETH…and tongue!
That minty fresh feel does wonders to help keep your food cravings at bay.
If you’re still in need of something, try a ‘sugar free’ piece of chewing gum.
Be prepared
Set yourself up to succeed by meal prepping some healthy snacks, a few minutes put aside to prep the night before, will set you up well for the following day.
Full fat greek yogurt
Fruit, such as Apples, Blueberries, Grapes, Strawberries - make your own healthy fruit salad and keep in containers to take to Work or School.
Vegetable sticks, such as Carrots, Celery, Zucchini, Cucumber and Capsicum - can be chopped and ready to go for a nutritious snack on their own, or with Hummus.
Whole grain crackers and cheese
Sprinkle cinnamon, or cocoa on your coffee and skip the added sugar
Want to help reduce your excess calorie intake?…… Avoid the following:
Eating in the car
Eating while watching t.v
Eating directly out of a food packet
UPSIZING your meal at a fast food restaurant, or the Movies.
Eating at your desk, in front of a computer
Sit down for your meals, put down your mobile, choose whole foods(Vegetables, leafy greens, legumes, fruit, whole grains e.t.c). Be present.
Set realistic goals
Try making one real change that you can commit to, like reducing or eliminating your sugary drink intake. Your body and your teeth will thank you for it! Make a positive change Today that will benefit your future self.
When you make healthy changes a habit, you are more likely to achieve and maintain an overall healthier and happier lifestyle.
Don’t forget to floss!
The Dental 4U Team
How to get kids to brush their Teeth!
When it comes to a bedtime routine, or getting out of the house on time in the morning, parents often feel like they are swimming against the current on a number of fronts - making school lunches, getting everyone bathed and dressed, and accommodating everyone’s food preferences. But more often than not the biggest concern we hear from parents, is how to get their kids to brush their teeth.
When it comes to a bedtime routine, or getting out of the house on time in the morning, parents often feel like they are swimming against the current on a number of fronts - making school lunches, getting everyone bathed and dressed, and accommodating everyone’s food preferences. But more often than not, the biggest concern we hear from parents, is how to get their kids to brush their teeth.
So here are a few tips from our Dental team to help make teeth brushing a part of the routine that is enjoyed, not endured!
Work together with your children to establish a clear routine for brushing their teeth, and stick to it. Try to keep teeth brushing to the same time, every morning and night.
Brush your own teeth while your child is brushing theirs. Modelling is such an effective parenting strategy, so get down on their level and let them see how you brush all your teeth – top and bottom, front and back. Children still need help with their technique, so it's a great opportunity for you to help them with places they might be missing.
Demonstrate how to brush in circles like train wheels going around a track from left to right and right to left… Make it something they will love and look forward to.
Involving children in daily choices is essential to building ownership and increasing their participation in self-care tasks. Next time you are at the Supermarket, why not let them pick the flavour of the toothpaste, or the colour of the toothbrush.
Choosing a favourite song to play is a great idea to ensure you're dedicating the required two minutes to brushing, or see who can make the most bubbles with their brushing!
Education is critical. Tailor it to their age and watch their habits change for life. Now is the time to instil great fundamental oral hygiene habits.
And last, but certainly not least - don't forget to start them early with regular visits to the Dentist. We promise to make a comfortable, fun and GOOD first impression! Give us a call Today, or simply book online: here
Happy flossing!
The Dental 4U Team
"Watch your Mouth" Dental Health Week 2018
Dental health week, which takes place August 6 - 12, is an annual oral health promotion event organised by the Australian Dental Association. The aim of dental health week is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health in every aspect of their lives and to encourage the following key habits:
Dental health week, which takes place August 6 - 12, is an annual oral health promotion event organised by the Australian Dental Association.
This years campaign tagline is “Watch your Mouth” - a cheeky pun intended to highlight the importance of practicing good oral health - "Not just your teeth, not just your gums, your whole mouth".
The aim of dental health week is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health in every aspect of their lives and to encourage the following key habits:
* Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
* Clean in between teeth at least once a day with floss/or an interdental brush
* Eat a healthy balanced diet and limit sugar intake
* Regularly visit the Dentist for your check up’s and preventative treatment
Did you know that according to the Oral Health Tracker Report (2018):
* 65% of Australians haven’t seen a Dentist in the last two years
* 50% of Australians are brushing their teeth only once-a-day
* Nearly 40% never floss or clean between their teeth
* 73% of young people (14-18 years) are consuming too much sugar
The statistics are eye-opening. Remember, no matter how busy you are or where you are in life, it is possible to fit caring for your teeth and gums into your daily routine.
When was your last dental check up? Do you notice your gums bleed when you brush? Or perhaps you have a "niggly" tooth that you've been ignoring? Don't delay, give us a call, or book online to secure your next appointment!
With warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Stay Motivated!
Don’t let the Winter blues get you down. Yes, it’s cold out and the daylight hours are shorter and it seems as though every second person you talk to is jetting off to a tropical location…..but that’s no reason to hibernate!! There's always a silver lining and it begins with YOU.
Don’t let the Winter blues get you down. Yes, it’s cold out and the daylight hours are shorter and it seems as though every second person you talk to is jetting off to a tropical location…..but that’s no reason to hibernate!! There's always a silver lining and it begins with YOU.
6 Winter Wellness tips
1. Run, don't walk
The winter months can be the hardest time of year to stay motivated, but once you commit to regular exercise as part of your daily routine – you’ll be amazed at how good you’ll begin to feel.
Make the time for yourself – whether it’s at the beginning, or end of day - or just by getting out of the office at lunch for a powerwalk around the block. Have your exercise clothes ready, so you’re less likely to make excuses.
Do you drive to work? Park your car further away so you’re getting some incidental exercise, every step counts!
2. Go home, stay home
Don’t feel like hitting the gym, or the pavement? Stay at home roll out a mat and STRETCH. Need some inspiration? There is an abundance of at-home exercises available for you to follow on the internet; Yoga, Tai chi, line dancing?! There are also many APPS that you can download to help keep you motivated with routines and advice.
Grab a skipping rope, or just pop on your favourite music and DANCE. Whatever makes you feel good, raises your heart rate and keeps you moving.
3. Stay hydrated!
Let's be honest, that first hot coffee can bring real comfort on a cold morning and so it makes sense that our coffee intake increases during Winter. Just remember that you also need to be drinking plenty of water.
The human brain is composed of about 75% water, so water intake is vital to our body in terms of composition and mental focus.
- Don’t like drinking water? Try adding natural flavours like fresh fruit or herbs.
- Add water-rich foods to your diet - like watermelon, cucumber and strawberries.
- Carry your own reusable bottle with you to save money and the environment.
Aim for at least 2 litres of water throughout the day. Drink it before you’re thirsty, as that is a sign that your body is already dehydrated.
4. Netflix and chill?
How about reading and relax?! Studies have shown that too much screen time can have a negative effect - especially before bed, as the light emitted from screens interferes with the sleep cycle in the brain, which can lead to insomnia. So turn off the T.V, switch your phone to silent and cosy up with a good book.
Break out the cards or boardgames. (Hello MONOPOLY!) Get your family or friends together for a game – it’s a great opportunity to interact, learn, have fun and a laugh. How about Charades? or do you prefer something more creative? Try your hand at drawing or painting – you are only limited by your imagination, so the possibilities are endless.
5. Heard of a Spring clean?
Try having a Winter weed out! We all have clothes and shoes that have been languishing in our closets and drawers - It’s time to let go!
A tidy house equals a tidy mind. Donate items to charity or make some money by having a garage sale or selling them online.
It's also a good time to have a “stock take” of what's in your cupboards. Check the use by dates on all your food, including spices and herbs. Create a meal plan around what you already have and try and shop seasonally to save money.
Buy bulk, cook and freeze to make it easier to heat up a nutritious meal when you get home after a long day and the last thing you want to do is break out the pots and pans.
6. Have an Attitude of Gratitude
Nothing is more precious than giving your time to someone. The feel good factor goes both ways. It could be as simple as inviting a friend around for a cup of tea, bringing flowers/succulent cuttings from your garden for a neighbour or colleague. Picking up the phone and calling that friend or family member that has been on your mind.
It’s the little things.
Showing appreciation in all your interactions, a Smile and Thank-you goes a long way. Showing you care doesn’t need to cost a thing and you might just make someone’s day.
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our latest blog. Remember, your oral health should be a priority! Give us a call or book online Today to schedule your next visit.
Warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
School holidays are upon us and it's all about the kids!
During the hustle and bustle of the school holidays, it is easy to become out of sync and a little relaxed with keeping up our oral health habits. When it comes to our little ones, it is especially important to maintain a good routine to keep their smiles healthy and bright.
During the hustle and bustle of the school holidays, it is easy to become out of sync and a little relaxed with keeping up good oral health habits. When it comes to our little ones, it is especially important to maintain a good routine to keep their smiles healthy and bright.
Children tend to imitate their Parents habits, so by teaching children the importance of looking after their teeth from a young age, you’re giving them the best possible start to healthy habits that will benefit them into adulthood.
The School holidays are the perfect time to bring kids in for their check up’s. When children have regular check up’s, they are more comfortable with visiting the Dentist and are less likely to be afraid of having dental treatments. The aim of the check up’s are to assess any dental problems at their early stages, give suggestions on managing any dental health problems and encourage better oral hygiene habits.
Dental caries or tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease. So regular check up’s should be a priority.
We still have appointments available during the school holiday period, book online or give us a call Today!
Is your child eligible for the Child dental benefits schedule(CDBS)?
The CDBS provides eligible children with up to $1,000 in benefits for basic dental services capped over two consecutive calendar years. Your child is deemed eligible for the CDBS by Medicare, who administers the program.
Dental4U provides services under the child dental benefits schedule with no additional gap payments and convenient electronic claiming with your medicare card.
To find out more about this beneficial program and whether your child is eligible, Call Medicare on 132 011 or visit the Department of Human Services Website.
Warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Latest findings report Poor Oral health - can affect your Overall health..
The benefits of keeping your gums and teeth healthy go far beyond a great looking smile.
According to findings published in the Journal of Periodontology, there is new evidence that the bacteria associated with gum disease could contribute to the development of cancerous stomach lesions.
The benefits of keeping your gums and teeth healthy go far beyond a great looking smile.
According to findings published in the Journal of Periodontology, there is new evidence that the bacteria associated with gum disease could contribute to the development of cancerous stomach lesions.
Periodontal disease – or gum disease as it is often better known, is one of the most common diseases affecting up to 50% of the Adult population world wide.
The latest findings were based on research out of New York University, where Scientists hypothesis that a group of bacteria that live in plaque beneath the gums, set up a pattern of chronic inflammation in the body which may contribute to the development of stomach cancer.
Another study recently completed in the USA(Dental college of Georgia, Augustus University) reiterates that many clinical studies link Chronic periodontal disease (CP) to various systemic disorders and lately age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a leading cause of irreversible vision loss in elderly.
Closer to home, the latest Oral health tracker report published in Australia(ADA + AHPC March 2018) show one in five adults in Australia are affected by gum disease and 50% of adults and 25% of children haven’t been to the Dentist for a check up for over a year.
The more unhealthy your mouth is, the more unhealthy your entire body will be.
Prevention is key: Brush twice daily for two minutes, floss daily, preferably at night - Ensure you visit your Dentist for regular check up’s and have your gums professionally cleaned at least once every six months.
To make a time for a check up and clean - give us a call, or book online Today!
Warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team
Why your child's check up should be a priority...
It is recommended that children visit the Dentist from around the age of 3, or earlier if you have any concerns about their teeth. Regular dental check up’s can help parents become familiar with their children’s dental and oral health milestones and are important in helping develop positive dental experiences for our younger patients.
It is recommended that children visit the Dentist from around the age of 3, or earlier if you have any concerns about their teeth. Regular dental check up’s can help parents become familiar with their children’s dental and oral health milestones and are important in helping develop positive dental experiences for our younger patients.
If your child has any habits such as thumb or finger sucking – it may be interfering in the healthy development of their teeth. During these visits parents also benefit from discussions regarding teething, normal tooth development, oral hygiene and nutritional advice.
Whilst many children like to be independent and brush their own teeth, most do not have the coordination or dexterity to brush their teeth properly. We recommend a collaborative approach where parents monitor their children’s hygiene habits on a daily basis, or until they are confident that good techniques are being used.
Dental Caries(commonly known as tooth decay) is the single most common childhood disease. At Dental4U, we wish to educate our patients to help prevent dental caries through better oral hygiene habits. When children have regular dental check ups, we can pick up on any tooth decay or issues at their early stages.
The Golden rule is to brush twice a day and floss once, especially before bed.
We understand that little ones can find it hard to clean their teeth properly, so we can give you tips and recommendations to help make brushing and flossing a breeze.
Don’t delay, call or email us Today to book your child’s next dental visit! Online bookings available for your convenience. Click: here
Warm regards,
The Dental 4U Team